CMDM Cumbria Moon Day Meditation

Updated 2 January 2024

CMDM Cumbria Moon Day Meditation

The three Theravada Buddhist Groups in Cumbria (Carlisle, Kendal and Keswick) meditate at the same time 7-9 pm on the four moon days (Full, New and Half Moon according to the Forest Sangha calendar). Those who wish to meditate at home, knowing that other meditators in Cumbria are doing the same.  Any Theravada Buddhists resident in Cumbria who are not involved with the three groups are welcome to join us.

Forest Sangha Calendars including Lunar Observance Dates

Forest Sangha calendars including lunar observance dates are available at:

Forest Sangha Newsletter

“Cumbria Moon Day Meditation”, Forest Sangha Newsletter, Number 86, (January 2009/2552) page 19.
