Updated 28 September 2024
BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) Publications Buddhism
See also BGKT Publications page on this website:
This bibliography includes some publications currently available on the web, but not earlier publications no longer available on the web nor publications which have never appeared on the web.
Buddhism: (Lectures and Essays on Buddhism)
Buddhism: (Lectures and Essays on Buddhism) by Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Thero, Published by Samayawardena Colombo Sri Lanka. (1993) (ISBN 955-570-038-9).
Chapter 7 Family Life: (A talk given at Chiswick Vihara at an English Buddhist girl’s wedding)
Introducing Buddhism
Introducing Buddhism by Venerable Dr Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera Abhidhaja Maharatthaguru Aggamaha Pandita DLitt DLitt (1896-1998) and Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili. Introducing Buddhism was originally published by The Buddhist Society London in 1988, to accompany The Buddhist Society’s Introducing Buddhism Course, on which Jacquetta Gomes was one of the teachers.
Introducing Buddhism has subsequently been published by Buddhist organisations in England, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Taiwan, and the USA.
Introducing Buddhism is available on several websites including Access to Insight, TBE Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia and Google Books.
Introducing Buddhism was launched by the BCC Buddhist Cultural Centre in Sri Lanka with 24 other books under the patronage of Venerable Dr K. Sri Dhammananda Chief Sangha Nayaka of Malaysia and Singapore, in December 1997.
Introducing Buddhism. Venerable Dr Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera Abhidhaja Maharatthaguru Aggamaha Pandita DLitt DLitt, and Jayasili (Jacquetta Gomes). Taipei, Taiwan: The Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation. (2008 reprint of 2007) (Book code EN074) (This includes as an appendix the booklet: Requirements and Ceremonies for The Five Precepts (Panca Sila), The Eight Precepts with Right Livelihood as the Eighth (Ajivatthamaka Sila), Dhamma Teachers Certificate, issued by the Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) and Ketumati Buddhist Vihara at Wesak 2006 updated February 2010)
“Book Reviews: Introducing Buddhism by Venerable Dr Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera Abhidhaja Maharatthaguru Aggamaha Pandita DLitt DLitt (1896-1998) and Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili”, The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society [London], 89 (3) (November 2014) page 240.
Requirements and Ceremonies
Requirements and Ceremonies for The Five Precepts (Panca Sila), The Eight Precepts with Right Livelihood as the Eighth (Ajivatthamaka Sila), Dhamma Teachers Certificate, issued by the Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) and Ketumati Buddhist Vihara at Wesak 2006. Requirements and Ceremonies is available on Google Books.
The Triple Gem and the Way to Social Harmony
The Triple Gem and the Way to Social Harmony, Venerable Pyinnyathiha. Published by Triple Gem Publications by arrangement with Inward Path Publisher, Penang, Malaysia. (2002). BGKT Secretary Jacquetta Gomes is in Acknowledgement on page 3.
Women in British Buddhism
Women in British Buddhism, Caroline Starkey. (Routledge Critical Studies in Buddhism Series). Routledge. (2019) (ISBN: 978-1-138-08746-0). BGKT Secretary Jacquetta Gomes is on pages 23, 56 and 206.
BGKT Facebook Group and Page
Articles in Journals
“The Buddha Jayanthi of 1956”, Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada), The Middle Way: Journal of The Buddhist Society [London], 95(3), (Autumn 2020), pages 198-202. (The Buddhist Society [London] (founded in 1924) started The Middle Way: Journal of The Buddhist Society [London] in 1926.) (ISSN 0026-3214)
“Buddhist Precepts and Lay Dhamma Teaching in the West”, Jacquetta Gomes, Yasodhara – Newsletter on International Buddhist Women’s Activities, (October-December, 2008), 25(1) No 97, pages 15-17. (ISSN 0875-1996)
“Buddhist Precepts and Lay Dhamma Teaching in the West”, Jacquetta Gomes, Lotus: the Lay Review and Newsletter of the Birmingham Buddhist Vihara, Issue 31 (Spring, 2010) pages 4-6.
“Cumbria Moon Day Meditation”, Forest Sangha Newsletter, Number 86, (January 2009/2552) page 19.
https://www.fsnewsletter.org/html/86/86.htm front cover
“The development and use of the Eight Precepts for lay practitioners, Upasakas and Upasikas in Theravada Buddhism in the West”, Jacquetta Gomes, Contemporary Buddhism, Volume 5(1) (May 2004) pages 47-63 (ISSN 1463-9947). DOI:10.1080/1463994042000249535
“The Dhammapada: A Buddhist Bible?”, Titus Gomes, The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society, 68(1), (May, 1993) pages 21-24. (Erratum of printing errors published 68(2) (August, 1993) page 88). (The Buddhist Society [London] (founded in 1924) started The Middle Way: Journal of The Buddhist Society [London] in 1926.) (ISSN 0026-3214)
“Events: BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada)”, The Kendal Courier Magazine, (February/March 2018), page 18
“The Hard-to-Please Buddhist and the ‘What’s it Tree?’”, Titus Gomes, The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society, 73(3), (November, 1998) pages 167-169. (The Buddhist Society [London] (founded in 1924) started The Middle Way: Journal of The Buddhist Society [London] in 1926.) (ISSN 0026-3214)
“Lifestory Jacquetta Gomes/Jayasili: Part of the British Way of Life”, Faith Initiative: Embracing Diversity, Issue 18 (Autumn 2007), pages 20-21.
“Navanga Uposatha – The Nine Uposatha Precepts”, Jacquetta Gomes, Lotus: the Lay Review and Newsletter of the Birmingham Buddhist Vihara, Issue 24 (Autumn 2007) page 6.
“News from Oldham England”, Yasodhara – Newsletter on International Buddhist Women’s Activities, (October 2006) (ISSN 0875-1996)
“Newsround: Theravada Lay Ordinations”, The Middle Way: Journal of The Buddhist Society, 69 (3) (November, 1994), pages 207- 208. (The Buddhist Society [London] (founded in 1924) started The Middle Way: Journal of The Buddhist Society [London] in 1926.) (ISSN 0026-3214)
“Recalling TCH [Christmas Humphries], the Society [The Buddhist Society London] and Summer Schools Past”, Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili (Jacquetta Gomes), The Middle Way: Journal of The Buddhist Society, 89(4) (February, 2015) pages 289-290. (The Buddhist Society [London] (founded in 1924) started The Middle Way: Journal of The Buddhist Society [London] in 1926.) (ISSN 0026-3214)
“Theravada Buddhist Precepts taken by Attendees of Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada)”, Lotus: the Lay Review and Newsletter of the Birmingham Buddhist Vihara, Issue 28 (Spring, 2009) page 5.
Book Reviews
The Buddhist Society [London] (founded in 1924) started The Middle Way: Journal of The Buddhist Society [London] in 1926. (ISSN 0026-3214)
“Book Review by Titus Gomes, Buddhism – Lectures and Essays by Ven. Balangoda Ananda Maitreya”, The Middle Way, 69 (3) (November 1994) pages 197 – 198.
“Book Review by Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili, The Dhammapada: The Path of Truth by the Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maitreya, revised by Rose Kramer, The Middle Way, 64 (4) (February 1990) pages 243 – 244.
“Book Review by Titus Gomes, Eight Mindful Steps to Happiness by Bhante Henepola Gunaratana”, The Middle Way, 77 (1) (May 2002) pages 55 – 57.
“Book Review Introducing Buddhism by Venerable Dr Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera Abhidhaja Maharatthaguru Aggamaha Pandita DLitt DLitt (1896-1998) and Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili”, The Middle Way, 89 (3) (November 2014) page 240.
“Book Review by Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili, Nine special qualities of the Buddha & Other Essays – A Memorial Volume in Honour of Ven Dr. Hammalawa Saddhatissa Mahanayaka Thera MA PhD DLitt., by Venerable Dr Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Agga Maha Pandita DLitt DLitt.”, The Middle Way, 70 (2) (August 1995) pages 155 – 156.
“Book Review by Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili, Pali Made Easy by Ven. Balangoda Ananda Maitreya”, The Middle Way, 69 (3) (November 1994) pages 200 – 201.
News Lanka Newspaper
2018 5 April “First Women”, News Lanka, Issue 1374 (05 April 2018) page 23.
Access to Insight
Jacquetta Gomes
Introducing Buddhism
AWAZ Equality Cumbria CIF Cumbria Interfaith Forum
2020 7 May “Buddhist New Year Celebration”
2019 26 June “The Diversity Festival of the Year” Kendal Unity Festival has brought sunshine and smiles for all in Kendal”
2019 5 April “VESAK PUJA BUDDHIST NEW YEAR CELEBRATION 18th May 2019, Kendal, Cumbria”
2014 31 March “Buddhist New Year Invitation, United Reform Church, Kendal, 14 May, 7pm”
2013 28 November “NATIONAL INTERFAITH WEEK 17-23 November 2013 – South Lakes & Kendal”
2013 31 May “Manchester Buddhist Convention, 12 October, 9-5pm”
2013 6 May “Buddhist Group of Kendal Update: Pilgrimage Fundraising Walk around Britain for ‘Mind and Pain Concern’”
2013 6 May “Buddhist Group of Kendal Update: Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service ‘Mindfulness’ Session”
2012 23 September “Manchester Buddhist Convention – 13 October 2012”
2012 10 May “Church of Scotland Spiritual Discipline Programme” (includes CELEBRATION Buddhism The Buddhist Festival of Vesak by Jacquetta Gomes, Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada), UK)
2012 20 April “Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) Vesak Celebration”
The Buddhist Channel
“Kendal Buddhists celebrate 25 years of faith”, The Buddhist Channel, 2016.
2016 “Kendal Buddhists ‘delighted’ that their works feature in new international eLibrary”, The Buddhist Channel.
BDG Buddhist door global
Buddhist Door Global BDG Website
Author Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili Jacquetta Gomes
2024 15 April “Ketumati Buddhist Vihara Celebrates Venerable Pidiville Piyatissa Nayaka Thero’s Appointment as Chief Sangha Nayaka for England”, by Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili Jacquetta Gomes
2021 24 November “Marking the 125th Birth Anniversary of Ven. Ananda Maitreya in England”
by Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili Jacquetta Gomes
2016 3 March “Buddhism in the UK Fire and Rescue Services”
by Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili
BDG Buddhist Door Global Facebook
2024 15 April “Ketumati Buddhist Vihara Celebrates Venerable Pidiville Piyatissa Nayaka Thero’s Appointment as Chief Sangha Nayaka for England”, by Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili Jacquetta Gomes
2021 22 November Buddhist Door Global feature: “Marking the 125th Birth Anniversary of Ven. Ananda Maitreya in England”
Remembering a revered monk who played an invaluable role in the development of Buddhism in the West
BDG Buddhistdoor Global @Buddhistdoor Twitter
2021 22 November Buddhist Door Global feature: “Marking the 125th Birth Anniversary of Ven. Ananda Maitreya in England”
Remembering a revered monk who played an invaluable role in the development of Buddhism in the Westhttps://twitter.com/Buddhistdoor/status/1463674137981947907
Buddhist eLibrary
The Buddhist eLibrary includes pages by BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada).
See Buddhist eLibrary https://www.buddhistgroupofkendal.co.uk/buddhist-elibrary/
2016 “Kendal Buddhists ‘delighted’ that their works feature in new international eLibrary”, The Buddhist Channel
Burkes’s Peerage and Gentry
Burke’s Landed Gentry
Burke’s Landed Gentry: The Principality of Wales and The North West, (19th Edition), Volume III England’s North West including Contemporary People of Distinction Published by Burke’s Peerage and Gentry (2006). BGKT Secretary Jacquetta Gomes included as a Contemporary Person of Distinction, page 664.
Dharma Companions @SABS [Shah Alam Buddhist Society Selangor Malaysia]
2016 9 October “Kendal Buddhists celebrate 25 years of faith”
Durham University
“Durham University “International Women’s Day” 2021 page on Durham University website. “Pioneering female chaplains from Durham University” includes Jacquetta Gomes BGKT Secretary, Fire Chaplain and Durham University Alumna.
“Class Notes: Jacquetta Gomes”, Durham Newswire (May 2018, July 2018, July 2019, August 2019, November 2020, March 2021, December 2021, April 2022, June 2022, February 2023).
“Class Notes: Jacquetta Gomes”, Dunelm: The Magazine For Alumni and Friends of Durham University, Issue 05 (2019) page 32.
“Jacquetta Gomes writes about becoming the first female Buddhist Fire Chaplain in the World”, Jacquetta Gomes, St Aidan’s Alumni Magazine & Newsletter [St Aidan’s College Durham University], Issue 5, (December 2015 January 2016) page 20.
Find Local: Alliance for Bhikkhunis
“Comment: On 3rd August 2019, Kendal resident Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili celebrated the 25th anniversary of taking the Bodhicari Precepts”, 2019 3 August Find Local: Alliance for Bhikkhunis
The High Sheriff of Cumbria
The High Sheriff of Cumbria led a meeting on 26 February 2021, with Venerable Pidiville Piyatissa Head of Ketumati Buddhist Vihara (Manchester). The meeting was also attended by Venerable Galpottayaye Pemananda from Ketumati Buddhist Vihara, and BGKT Secretary Jacquetta Gomes.
“Meeting with the Buddhist Community in Cumbria 26 February 2021”
Infinite Women
Jacquetta Gomes
The Kendal Project Lancaster University
BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) Secretary Jacquetta Gomes was interviewed for The Kendal Project, and is included in the book Spiritual Revolution on pages 27, 28 and 195.
The Spiritual Revolution: why religion is giving way to spirituality, Paul Heelas and Linda Woodhead, (Religion and Spirituality in the modern world series), Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2005 (ISBN 9781405119597)
Secularization and its Discontents, Rob Warner Continuum International Publishing Group (2010) (ISBN HB 978-4411-5543-6 PBK 978-1-4411-2785-3)
Shreena Gandhi, The Spiritual Revolution: Why Religion Is Giving Way to Spirituality, by Paul Heelas and Linda Woodhead, et al. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2005, 224 pp.; $29.95 USD (paper), $73.95 USD (cloth), Sociology of Religion, Volume 69, Issue 1, Spring 2008, Pages 117–118, https://doi.org/10.1093/socrel/69.1.117
Kendal Town Council
KTC Kendal Town Council Newsletter
“Kendal Unity Festival 2022 Reflection”, Kendal Town Council Newsletter, (Winter 2022) page 3.
https://www.kendaltowncouncil.gov.uk/ Click on latest newsletter
“Pioneering Women list features Kendal”, Kendal Town Council Newsletter, (Summer 2020) page 7.
Kendal Town Council Website
2021 26 May BGKT’s Vesak Celebration at Kendal Unitarian Chapel Hall (under Covid-19 restrictions). The Mayor of Kendal Councillor Douglas Rathbone attended.
Kendal Town Council Calendar: Mayor – Buddhist Group of Kendal, Vesak Celebration May 26 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
2019 30 September Kendal Town Council Calendar: Buddhist Group of Kendal – Parlour Meeting
KTC Kendal Town Council Facebook
2022 8 August 2022 Kendal Town Council Facebook page included the post:
“Congratulations to Kendal’s Jacquetta Gomes for passing the SCA Crisis, Trauma, and First Response Certificate Course for Chaplains. Jacquetta is also acknowledged as the first female Buddhist Fire Chaplain in the world and first Buddhist entered into the Contemporary Person of Distinction in Burke’s Landed Gentry. The primary responsibility of a First Responder Chaplain is to provide emotional and spiritual care to First Responders, their families, civilian employees of First Responder agencies and their families. The Mayor was delighted to meet with Jacquetta in the Parlour to see the award.”
2021 28 May Kendal Town Council Facebook page included the post and photo:
The Mayor attended the Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) BGKT Vesak celebrations, at Kendal Unitarian Chapel hall on Wednesday May 26th 2021.
The festival of Vesak commemorates the Birth, Enlightenment and Passing Away of the Buddha. The celebration included a Puja [religious ceremony]. People also participated from home.
Ketumati Buddhist Vihara (Manchester)
Ketumati Buddhist Vihara [Manchester] Newsletter
“Regular Programmes and Services of the Temple: Monthly Programmes and Services” page 10;
“Vesak celebrations 2009, page 8.
Ketumati Buddhist Vihara [Manchester] Newsletter, Volume 1(Summer 2009)
“News from the Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada)”, By Duncan Fisher (Dhammika), page 4;
“Once again Bhikkhuni Kusuma visits Ketumati”, page 12.
“Regular Programmes and Services of the Temple: Monthly Programmes and Services” page 11
Ketumati Buddhist Vihara [Manchester] Newsletter, (Spring and Summer 2007)
“Kathina Celebration of Ketumati Buddhist Vihara” pages 6-7;
“Regular Programmes and Services of the Temple: Monthly Programmes and Services” page 8
“The Significance of the Maha Saropama Sutta ~ MN 29 (The Greater Discourse On the Simile of the Heartwood)” By Duncan Fisher (Upasaka Dhammika) page 5;
“Special rains retreat at Ketumati” page 3.
Ketumati Buddhist Vihara [Manchester] Newsletter, Volume 2 (Autumn and Winter 2007)
“A Brief History of the Buddhist Group of Kendal” by Upasaka Dhammika Duncan Fisher, page 2;
“Katina Celebrations 2006”, page 5;
“Regular Programmes and Services of the Temple: Monthly Programmes and Services” page 8
The Significance of the Vitakkasanthana Sutta (MN 20), (The Removal of Distracting Thoughts) By Upasaka Dhammika (Duncan Fisher), page 7;
“Vesak Celebrations of Ketumati 2006” page 5.
Ketumati Buddhist Vihara [Manchester] Newsletter, Volume 1 (2006)
“Ketumati News and Editorial Note Summer/Autumn 2004” page 7.
Ketumati Buddhist Vihara [Manchester] Newsletter, Volume 6 (No. 2 & 3)(Summer and Autumn 2004)
“The Dhammapada – A Buddhist Bible”, by Titus Gomes pages 3-4;
“Ketumati News: Outside Activities” page 6
Ketumati Buddhist Vihara [Manchester] Newsletter, Volume 4 (Nos 1 & 2)(Spring and Summer 2002)
“Katina Ceremony – 2000” page 7;
“Editorial Notes: Outside Activities” page 10;
“Thoughts for the New Year”, pages 1-2
Ketumati Buddhist Vihara [Manchester] Newsletter, Volume 2 (Nos 3 & 4)(Autumn and Winter 2000)
Ketumati Buddhist Vihara [Manchester] Website
“Katina Celebrations 2010”
Lancaster District
Lancaster District https://www.lancasterdistrict.co.uk/
Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) BGKT 30th Anniversary 2021
Loughborough University
2018 “Our Alumni: Jacquetta Gomes Buddhist Fire Chaplain: Fire and Rescue Service”
MBC Manchester Buddhist Convention
2012 18 June “BEP Buddhist Embroidery Project”
2008 Manchester Buddhist Conference 2008: 7 June 2008
2008 Manchester Buddhist Conference 2008: Summary of the Conference
NBO Network of Buddhist Organisations UK
2006 23 November “Kendal Buddhist Group”
2006 23 November “Ketumati Vihara and Ven Piyatissa”
2010 28 September “Buddha’s Birth celebrated with decorated lantern”
Quang Duc Monastery Fawkner (near Melbourne) Victoria Australia
2021 20 August Author Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili
2021 20 August 125th Anniversary of Birth of Venerable Dr Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera Aggamaha Pandita Abhidhaja Maharatthaguru DLitt DLitt (23rd August 1896 – 18th July 1998)
by Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili
2020 22 June Buddhism: (Lectures and Essays on Buddhism)
by Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Thero, Published by Samayawardena Colombo Sri Lanka. (1993) (ISBN 955-570-038-9).
2020 22 June Chapter 7 Family Life: (A talk given at Chiswick Vihara at an English Buddhist girl’s wedding)
2021 7 August BEP Buddhist Embroidery Project (Venerable Apparakke Jinaratana of Sri Lanka)
by Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili
2021 7 August Eight Precepts with Right Livelihood as the Eighth
by Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili
2021 30 July Introducing Buddhism
by Venerable Dr Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera Abhidhaja Maharatthaguru Aggamaha Pandita DLitt DLitt (1896-1998) and Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili
2021 7 August Requirements And Ceremonies For The Five Precepts (Pañca Sīla) The Eight Precepts With Right Livelihood As The Eighth (Ājīvatthamaka Sīla) Dhamma Teachers Certificate
by Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) and Ketumati Buddhist Vihara [Manchester]
Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women
Sakyadhita International Facebook
2015 12 October “…retreat for BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada)…”
Sakyadhita International Newsletter
“Awards and Accolades for Buddhist Women”, Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women Newsletter, 16(2) (Summer, 2008) page14.
Sakyadhita International Website
“United Kingdom: Sakyadhita National Branches: Sakyadhita United Kingdom”
Sakyadhita UK Facebook
2021 6 June “Women in British Buddhism: Commitment, Connection, Community, was published by Routledge (in the Critical Studies in Buddhism series) in 2020, by Dr Caroline Starkey Associate Professor of Religion and Society at the University of Leeds”, Sakyadhita [International Association of Buddhist Women] UK Newsletter, (June 2021). (BGKT Secretary Jacquetta Gomes is mentioned in this article as a Fire Chaplain).
2021 21 April Newsletter “Photographs shared from an Upasika (female lay Buddhist) member of BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada)”, Sakyadhita [International Association of Buddhist Women] UK Newsletter, Spring News (April 2021).
2021 6 February Newsletter “Meet the Development Team: Jacquetta Gomes (Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili)”, Sakyadhita [International Association of Buddhist Women] UK Newsletter, (First Issue) (February 2021).
Sakyadhita UK Newsletter
Sakyadhita UK Newsletter Archive
2022 17 March “Anicca Impermanence” By Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili Jacquetta Gomes”, Sakyadhita [International Association of Buddhist Women] UK Newsletter, March News from SUK (17 March 2022).
2022 17 March “BEP Buddhist Embroidery Project”, Sakyadhita [International Association of Buddhist Women] UK Newsletter, March News from SUK (17 March 2022).
2021 17 December “Sakyadhita International Conference 26 -29 December: Development Group Member Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili Jacquetta Gomes Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) BGKT has also shared the following information:…”, Sakyadhita [International Association of Buddhist Women] UK Newsletter, Sakyadhita Conference Special News (17 December 2021).
2021 6 October “In the Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia you will find an entry from our development group member Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili Jacquetta Gomes [Tiracchana-Katha Unskilful Talk]”, and “Ajivatthamaka Sila (Eight Precepts with Right Livelihood as the Eighth)” by Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili Jacquetta Gomes, and “Venerable Bhikkhuni Kusuma 1929-2021” by Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili Jacquetta Gomes, Sakyadhita [International Association of Buddhist Women] UK Newsletter, Autumn News (6 October 2021).
2021 30 July “On 24 August 2021 we celebrate the 125th birth anniversary in Sri Lanka of Venerable Dr Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera Aggamaha Pandita Abhidhaja Maharatthaguru DLitt DLitt”, Sakyadhita [International Association of Buddhist Women] UK Newsletter, Summer News (30 July 2021).
2021 11 June “Women in British Buddhism: Commitment, Connection, Community, was published by Routledge (in the Critical Studies in Buddhism series) in 2020, by Dr Caroline Starkey Associate Professor of Religion and Society at the University of Leeds”, Sakyadhita [International Association of Buddhist Women] UK Newsletter, (June 2021). (BGKT Secretary Jacquetta Gomes is mentioned in this article as a Fire Chaplain).
2021 17 April “Photographs shared from an Upasika (female lay Buddhist) member of BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada)”,Sakyadhita [International Association of Buddhist Women] UK Newsletter, Spring News (April 2021).
2021 6 February “Meet the Development Team: Jacquetta Gomes (Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili)”, Sakyadhita [International Association of Buddhist Women] UK Newsletter, (First Issue) (February 2021).
Semantic Scholar
“The development and use of the Eight Precepts for lay practitioners, Upasakas and Upasikas in Theravada Buddhism in the West”, Jacquetta Gomes, Contemporary Buddhism, Volume 5(1) (May 2004) pages 47-63 (ISSN 1463-9947).
TBE Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia
TBE Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia (formerly CBE Chinese Buddhist Encyclopedia) includes pages by BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) and BGKT Secretary Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili Jacquetta Gomes.
See page on this website
WCF World Congress of Faiths
Interreligious Insight a Journal of Dialogue and Engagement
“Reflections on Meditation: Buddhist Meditation”, The Buddhist Group of Kendal, Interreligious Insight a Journal of Dialogue and Engagement [published by World Congress of Faiths Common Engagement Project], 6(4) (October, 2008) 56-59.