BGKT 2015 News

Updated 28 September 2024


December 2015

CORAB Commission on Religion and Belief in British Public Life

The Woolf Institute Cambridge website states “In September 2013, the Woolf Institute convened an independent commission to undertake over a two-year period the first systematic review of the role of religion and belief in the UK today and to make policy recommendations. The commission’s purpose is to consider the place and role of religion and belief in contemporary Britain, to consider the significance of emerging trends and identities, and to make recommendations for public life and policy. Its premise is that in a rapidly changing diverse society everyone is affected, whatever their private views on religion and belief, by how public policy and public institutions respond to social change.”

The report was published on 7 December 2015. Commission on Religion and Belief in British Public Life, Living with Difference: Community, Diversity and the Common Good (Woolf Institute, 2015).

BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) made a submission. This is acknowledged on page 92, in the section Organisations and institutions: The commission received evidence, assistance and advice on behalf of, or from individuals based at, the following organisations and institutions.

November 2015

INTERFAITH WEEK 15 – 21 November 2015

BGKT participated in Inter Faith Week

The IFN Interfaith Network for the UK included Kendal

Kendal is included every year in Events by Town

IFN Inter Faith Network for the UK posted Kendal on the Inter Faith Week Facebook

Quaker Tapestry Event. The chaplaincy development officer for the Methodist Church and Jacquetta Gomes, secretary of BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada), viewed the Quaker Tapestry and visited the tearoom and gave readings, by arrangement with Bridget Guest General Manager. (Jacquetta helped to stitch one of the panels and is a member of the Quaker Tapestry.)

SLIF South Lakeland Interfaith celebration in Kendal Town Hall. SLIF South Lakeland Interfaith led an interfaith week celebration in Kendal Town Hall on Tuesday 17 November. Readings were given by local faith groups. A booklet of readings was prepared by SLIF. John Gerrard Upasaka Sumedha read on behalf of BGKT. Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili also read.

The Fire Fighters Charity multi-faith chaplaincy

The Fire Fighters Charity multi-faith chaplaincy was launched during Inter Faith Week on 18 November 2015 at Jubilee House near Penrith in Cumbria, which is the charity’s first centre to introduce multi-faith chaplaincy support. The first Chaplain is Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili a member of the Faith and Fire Steering Group.

“Fire Fighters Charity Multifaith Chaplaincy and Faith and Fire”, IFN Inter-Faith Network for the United Kingdom IFN e- bulletin (February/March 2016) page 11.

2015 2 November “Multifaith Chaplaincy Proposed by The Fire Fighters Charity in the UK” by Press Office

“National Interfaith Week 2015”, The Catholic Voice of Lancaster, Issue 276, (February 2016) page 3.

November 2015

BGKT and Keswick Buddhist Group (Theravada) were represented at the Opening Ceremony and Kathina Celebration at Ketumati Buddhist Vihara Manchester on Sunday 8 November 2015.

October 2015


The 2015 Manchester Buddhist Convention was held on 10 October. St Peter’s House Chaplaincy, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9GH.

The Convention Session Faith and Fire was led by Venerable Pidiville Piyatissa (Head of Ketumati Buddhist Vihara Manchester) and Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili (Secretary BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada)).

September 2015

BGKT held a retreat in Kendal led by a lay teacher from Ketumati Buddhist Vihara Manchester on 27 September.

August 2015

TBE Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia (formerly CBE Chinese Buddhist Encyclopedia) includes pages by BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) and BGKT Secretary Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili Jacquetta Gomes.

See page on this website


August 2015

BGKT attended the monthly meditation retreat at Ketumati Buddhist Vihara Manchester, led By Venerable Pidiville Piyatissa Abbot of Ketumati, on 1 August.

July 2015

Venerable Pidiville Piyatissa (born in Sri Lanka) Head of Ketumati Buddhist Vihara Manchester led a retreat for BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) in Kendal on 26 July 2015.

July 2015

Jacquetta Gomes BGKT Secretary ran a stall and spoke about Faith and Fire and BEWES Buddhists Engaged with Emergency Services, at the Cinnamon Kendal Faith Action Audit event on 16 July. This is part of the national Faith Action Audit.

The results of the Cinnamon Faith Action Audits were announced on Wednesday May 20th 2015 at Emmanuel Centre, Westminster. Key statistics:

  • Collectively, local faith groups deliver 220,000 social action projects
  • Local faith groups serve 48 million beneficiaries
  • Local faith groups mobilize 2 million volunteers
  • Collectively, local faith groups give over £3 billion worth of social support

July 2015

Thai Buddhist Monk Luang Poh Sudhiro led a meeting for BGKT, Carlisle Theravada Buddhist Group, Keswick Theravada Buddhist Group and local Buddhists, at Castle Street Centre Kendal on 14 July.

At the Civara Dana ceremony of Sammapatipadarama Monastery on 21 November 2010, a member of the Sangha Supreme Council of Thailand bestowed the title of Phrakhruvinayadhara on Luang Poh Sudhiro in recognition of his outstanding work for the Dhamma [Buddhism]. The prestigious title which emanates from the King of Thailand, is in recognition of one who upholds the vinaya [monastic rules] in an exemplary fashion. There were only 10 holders in the whole Sangha [Community of Buddhist Monks].

July 2015

Kendal Civic Celebration for Mayor’s Sunday led by The Worshipful the Town Mayor Councillor Chris Hogg on Sunday 5 July 2014, included an invitation from the Mayor to SLIF South Lakeland Interfaith Forum and all faith groups in Kendal. BGKT Secretary Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili represented BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada). She walked in the Civic Procession from the Town Hall to The Parish Church of the Holy Trinity for the Civic Service. Refreshments were served in the Mayors Parlour in Kendal Town Hall afterwards.

July 2015

BGKT attended the monthly meditation retreat at Ketumati Buddhist Vihara Manchester led By Venerable Pidiville Piyatissa Abbot of Ketumati, on 4 July.

June 2015

BGKT attended the monthly meditation retreat at Ketumati Buddhist Vihara Manchester led By Venerable Pidiville Piyatissa Abbot of Ketumati, on 6 June.

May 2015

The Kendal Town Council Annual General Meeting & Mayor Making Ceremony for Mayor Councillor Chris Hogg was held in Kendal Town Hall on 21 May 2015. BGKT Secretary Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili and Titus Gomes represented BGKT.

May 2015

BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal Theravada Wesak Celebration 2015. The Mayor of Kendal Councillor Thomas Clare was invited to BGKT’s Wesak celebrations, at Kendal URC United Reformed Church on 4 May 2015.

May 2015

BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal Theravada attended Ketumati Buddhist Vihara Manchester’s Wesak Celebration at a Hindu Temple in Oldham Greater Manchester on 3 May 2015.

April 2015

Durham University St Aidan’s College alumna and University College [Castle] SCR member Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili and the Castle Chaplain led sessions of Buddhist – Christian dialogue in the Norman Chapel in the Castle on 27th April 2015. The session was very successful with a high standard of discussion in which everyone attending participated.

“Buddhist Christian Dialogue at University College”, Dunelm Newswire [Alumni Office Durham University], June 2015.

April 2015

BGKT attended the MBC Manchester Buddhist Convention day on mindfulness at the Manchester Buddhist Centre on Saturday 11 April.

March 2015

A meditation retreat for small Cumbrian Buddhist Groups was held in Ambleside on Saturday 14 March.

February 2015

A celebration lunch was held on 28 February at Waterside Vegetarian Cafe Kendal, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Keswick Buddhist Group (Theravada) which was founded by Upasaka Jotima on 4th December 1989.

February 2015

Ven Pidiville Piyatissa Head of Ketumati Buddhist Vihara Manchester and Venerable Maholava Ariyadhamma (a cave dwelling monk from Sri Lanka) visited BGKT on Sunday 22nd February.

February 2015

WIHW World Interfaith Harmony Week

Durham University St Aidan’s College alumna and University College [Castle] SCR member Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili and the Castle Chaplain led sessions of Buddhist – Christian dialogue in the Norman Chapel in the Castle in WIHW World Interfaith 2015. The session was very successful with a high standard of discussion in which everyone attending participated.

“Buddhist Christian Dialogue at University College”, Dunelm Newswire [Alumni Office Durham University], June 2015.

“An event is being held at Durham Castle on Tuesday 3 February as part of World Interfaith Harmony Week on ‘Meditation: Buddhist and Christian Perspectives’. The event will be held at 5.30pm in the Norman Chapel in Durham Castle and will be led by Jacquetta Gomes and Hannah Cleugh”, IFN Interfaith Network of UK e-bulletin, (January/February 2015) page 14.
