Buddhist Weddings Marriages Blessings and Ceremonies

Updated 14 May 2024

Buddhist Weddings Marriages Blessings and Ceremonies

BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) in Kendal

 BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) assisted at the wedding of an attendee of the group who has attended since BGKT’s first meeting. The wedding was held on 8 July 2017 at the Unitarian Chapel Kendal, led by an Interfaith Minister who was the Kendal Unitarian Chapel Ministry Team Leader. A Vicar from Kendal Parish Church gave a Gaelic Blessing and a reading from the Bible.

A Buddha statue was displayed in the Chapel which was decorated with Tibetan Prayer flags. As far as BGKT is aware this is the first wedding in Kendal which included a Buddhist blessing and Buddhist chanting by a Buddhist Group.

BGKT Founder and Secretary Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili (Jacquetta Gomes) gave a wedding blessing in Pali and English. BGKT Leader Upasaka Sumedha gave the Panca Sila (Five Precepts). BGKT attendees who have taken the Ajivatthamaka Sila (Eight Precepts with Right Livelihood as the Eighth) for Life chanted these Precepts. Upasaka Sumedha read The Mangala Sutta and BGKT chanted this in Pali. BGKT Chair Titus Gomes led a metta meditation (meditation on loving kindness). Upasaka Dhammika gave a reading by The Dalai Lama.


 London Buddhist Vihara

The Wedding Blessings Ceremony for Titus and Jacquetta Gomes was reported in “Newsround: Marriage celebrated at London Buddhist Vihara”, The Middle Way: Journal of The Buddhist Society [London], 61 (2) (August, 1986) 129-130.

We booked our wedding at [the] Registry Office. The following day we informed our teacher Venerable Dr Balangoda Ananda Maitreya. He…decided to give us blessings immediately. This was done in his room at the London Buddhist Vihara, with assistance from Venerable Ananda Murti and Venerable Ananda Mangala. Venerable Dr M. Vajiragnana [Chief Sanghanayaka of Great Britain and Head of the Vihara] arranged for us to have Blessings to celebrate our marriage at the London Buddhist Vihara on… The Spring Programme of the Vihara listed the event. We prepared a service with assistance from Venerable Vajiragnana and Russell Webb. The service was most enjoyable and successful. Exactly the right number of people attended; everyone had a seat and there were no spare chairs. Many of the people who attended had never been to a Buddhist Vihara before. all the comments we received have been favourable, most people saying how interesting they found the service. Venerable Vajiragnana and Venerable Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera both gave excellent talks on marriage and family life. Tape recordings were made of the service and many photographs were taken. These help us to reflect on the meaning of the occasion and our marriage.

The talk given by Venerable Dr Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera Abhidhaja Maharatthaguru Aggamaha Pandita DLitt DLitt (1896 – 1998), is in

Buddhism: (Lectures and Essays on Buddhism) by Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Thero, Published by Samayawardena Colombo Sri Lanka. (1993). (ISBN 955-570-038-9).
Chapter 7 Family Life: (A talk given at Chiswick Vihara at an English Buddhist girl’s wedding)



Buddhism: (Lectures and Essays on Buddhism) by Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Thero, Published by Samayawardena Colombo Sri Lanka. (1993). (ISBN 955-570-038-9).
Chapter 7 Family Life: (A talk given at Chiswick Vihara at an English Buddhist girl’s wedding)



Internet Archive

Internet Archive San Francisco California USA


Buddhism: (Lectures and Essays on Buddhism) by Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Thero, Published by Samayawardena Colombo Sri Lanka. (1993). (ISBN 955-570-038-9).
Chapter 7 Family Life: (A talk given at Chiswick Vihara at an English Buddhist girl’s wedding)

Quang Duc Monastery Fawkner (near Melbourne) Victoria Australia


2021 20 August Author Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili


2021 20 August 125th Anniversary of Birth of Venerable Dr Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera Aggamaha Pandita Abhidhaja Maharatthaguru DLitt DLitt (23rd August 1896 – 18th July 1998)
by Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili


2020 22 June Buddhism: (Lectures and Essays on Buddhism)
by Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Thero, Published by Samayawardena Colombo Sri Lanka. (1993) (ISBN 955-570-038-9).

2020 22 June Chapter 7 Family Life: (A talk given at Chiswick Vihara at an English Buddhist girl’s wedding)
