Updated 1 November 2023
BGKT 2022 News
December 2022
BGKT Secretary Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili gave talks about BEWES Buddhists Engaged with Emergency Services for Sakyadhita UK (International Association of Buddhist Women) UK Branch on Wednesday 7 December and the BCPC Buddhist Chaplain Peer Circle on Saturday 10 December.
Jacquetta was the first speaker from outside of the USA to speak at a BCPC meeting. BCPC Buddhist Chaplain Peer Circle https://sukhavati.life/sangha/bcpc/
The CIL Chaplaincy innovation Lab at Brandeis University USA included the BCPC talk in its newsletter and on its website. https://chaplaincyinnovation.org/2022/12/bcpc-december-2022
Jacquetta was the first Chaplain from outside of the USA to be included in the Chaplaincy innovation Lab’s This is What a Chaplain Looks Like Project.
BEWES Buddhists Engaged with Emergency Services developed from Faith and Fire in 2014. BEWES is an informal unofficial group which facilitates contact without liability, between Buddhists (firefighters, advisors, chaplains, volunteers, etc.) working with emergency services and related organisations.
BEWES has a Facebook page.
Jacquetta was involved in the development of Faith and Fire (started January 2013) and BEWES (started December 2014). She is acknowledged as the first female Buddhist Fire Chaplain in the world.
Sakyadhita UK (International Association of Buddhist Women) UK Branch
Sakyadhita UK Talk on BEWES Buddhists Engaged with Emergency Services
November 2022
Inter Faith Week 2022
INTERFAITH WEEK 13 – 20 November 2022
BGKT participated in Inter Faith Week
Inter Faith Week Website
IFN Inter Faith Network for the UK posted South Lakeland, Kendal and Cumbria on the Inter Faith Week website.
22.9.23 Strengthening cooperation and understanding: Inter Faith Week 2022, Published 2023 by the Inter Faith Network for the UK (ISBN: 9781739415815). Kendal, South Lakeland and Cumbria are on pages 14, 37 and 79. Photograph on page 14.
24.11.22 Inter Faith Week 2022 – Some highlights of an inspiring Week
Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) Open Meeting – participate from home
7.10.20 Fire and Rescue Services on the Inter Faith Week Website
Inter Faith Week Facebook
14.11.22 South Lakeland and Kendal: Jacquetta Gomes, Buddhist, and Mgr Francis Slattery, 93, who reminds us in his message that ‘nobody is too old to support Inter Faith Week’.
10.10.22 It is not just highly diverse areas where Inter Faith Week is marked. For example, Kendal is an area where many activities often take place.
Inter Faith Week Twitter
Inter Faith Week Twitter
14.11.22 South Lakeland and Kendal: Jacquetta Gomes, Buddhist, and Mgr Francis Slattery, 93, who reminds us in his message that ‘nobody is too old to support Inter Faith Week’.
10.10.22 It is not just highly diverse areas where Inter Faith Week is marked. For example, Kendal is an area where many activities often take place.
BBC Radio Cumbria
The Sunday Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Cumbria interviewed Jacquetta Gomes BGKT Secretary and SLEDP Lead on Interfaith and Multifaith about Inter Faith Week.
Durham University
“Class Notes: Jacquetta Gomes”, Durham Newswire (February 2023) includes Jacquetta Gomes BGKT Secretary, SLEDP Lead on Interfaith and Multifaith and Durham University Alumna.
Inter Faith School Visit in Sedbergh and The Western Dales
SLIF South Lakeland Interfaith Forum. Upasika Sunanda Anita represented BGKT
November 2022
BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) included in “Kendal Unity Festival 2022 Reflection”, Kendal Town Council Newsletter, (Winter 2022) page 3.
https://www.kendaltowncouncil.gov.uk/ Click on latest newsletter
November 2022
Buddhist Monk Venerable Mahalova Ariyadhamma (who lives in a forest in Sri Lanka) led a meditation and Buddhist Teaching meeting for Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) on 1 November 2022.
October 2022
Buddhist Monk Venerable Mahalova Ariyadhamma (who lives in a forest in Sri Lanka) led a meditation and Buddhist Teaching meeting for Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) on 18 October 2022.
October 2022
“Class Notes: Jacquetta Gomes”, Dunelm: The Magazine for Alumni & Friends of Durham University, Issue 08 (2022) page 34, includes Jacquetta Gomes BGKT Secretary, Fire Chaplain and Durham University Alumna.
October 2022
“20th Anniversary of involvement in Interfaith” by Jacquetta Gomes, The Catholic Voice of Lancaster, Issue 343 (October 2022) page 15.
September 2022
Venerable Pidiville Piyatissa Maha Thera (Head of Ketumati Buddhist Vihara Manchester who has taught BGKT since 1999) led a day of practice in Kendal on 13 September 2022.
August 2022
Venerable Pidiville Piyatissa Maha Thera (Head of Ketumati Buddhist Vihara Manchester who has taught BGKT since 1999) led a day of practice in Kendal on 9 August 2022. At the end of the day, he was interviewed by the Kendal Oral History Project for their archive of interviews.
The day included a ceremony in which Venerable Pidiville Piyatissa Maha Thera was the Preceptor when Upasaka Nanda and Upasika Sunanda took the the Ajivatthamaka Sila (Eight Precepts with Right Livelihood as the Eighth) for Life. Venerable Piyatissa presented them with cream sashes to wear at Buddhist meetings. The ceremony is included in the booklet Requirements and Ceremonies for The Five Precepts (Panca Sila), The Eight Precepts with Right Livelihood as the Eighth (Ajivatthamaka Sila), Dhamma Teachers Certificate, issued by the Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) and Ketumati Buddhist Vihara at Wesak 2006. This booklet is available on this website:
Requirements and Ceremonies is also available on Google Books:
Requirements and Ceremonies is also available as an appendix to Introducing Buddhism:
Introducing Buddhism. Venerable Dr Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera Abhidhaja Maharatthaguru Aggamaha Pandita DLitt DLitt, and Jayasili (Jacquetta Gomes). Taipei, Taiwan: The Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation. (2008 reprint of 2007) (Book code EN074) (This includes as an appendix the booklet: Requirements and Ceremonies for The Five Precepts (Panca Sila), The Eight Precepts with Right Livelihood as the Eighth (Ajivatthamaka Sila), Dhamma Teachers Certificate, issued by the Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) and Ketumati Buddhist Vihara at Wesak 2006 updated February 2010).http://www.budaedu.org/en/
August 2022
BGKT was represented by Titus Gomes (BGKT Chair) and Jacquetta Gomes (BGKT Secretary) at a celebration held at Milnthorpe Presbytery on 8 August 2022 to mark the 20th anniversary of Monsignor Francis Slattery’s involvement in interfaith. He became involved in interfaith work in Cumbria in 2002 when the then Bishop of Lancaster Rt Rev Patrick O’Donoghue invited BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada) to organize a day in Kendal for him to meet people from various faiths and organizations in Kendal.
The celebration included discussion of Mindfulness and Christian Spirituality: Making Space for God, by Tim Stead. (SPCK), 2016 ISBN 978-0-07486-0.
Monsignor Slattery may be the oldest person (at 93) to run events in WIHW World Interfaith Harmony Week (first week in February) and Inter Faith Week (November).
August 2022
2022 4 August “Faith and spiritual care for first responders” included Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili (BGKT Secretary and Fire Chaplain)
July 2022
On 25 July Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili (BGKT Secretary and Fire Chaplain) met with The Mayor of Kendal Councillor Douglas Rathbone in The Mayors Parlour in Kendal Town Hall.
KTC Kendal Town Council Facebook
2022 8 August 2022 Kendal Town Council Facebook page included the post:
“Congratulations to Kendal’s Jacquetta Gomes for passing the SCA Crisis, Trauma, and First Response Certificate Course for Chaplains. Jacquetta is also acknowledged as the first female Buddhist Fire Chaplain in the world and first Buddhist entered into the Contemporary Person of Distinction in Burke’s Landed Gentry. The primary responsibility of a First Responder Chaplain is to provide emotional and spiritual care to First Responders, their families, civilian employees of First Responder agencies and their families. The Mayor was delighted to meet with Jacquetta in the Parlour to see the award.”
July 2022
Death Café Sakyadhita UK (International Association of Buddhist Women UK Branch) was held on 6 July at 7.00pm. Led by BGKT Secretary Jacquetta Gomes and Claire Murphy both members of Sakyadhita UK’s Development Group.
Welcome to this Death Café where we will share our experiences, thoughts, and feelings about death in a safe, supportive environment.
June 2022
Jacquetta Gomes Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili (BGKT Secretary and Fire Chaplain) is a member of SCA FRCD Spiritual Care Association First Responders Chaplain Division.
She received a Certificate of Completion dated 30 June 2022, which states “Jacquetta Gomes has successfully completed Crisis, Trauma, and First Response Certificate Course for Chaplains”.
June 2022
CUF Cumbria Unity Festival Saturday 18 June 2022.
Session of mindfulness and meditation led by John Gerrard Upasaka Sumedha and Duncan Fisher Upasaka Dhammika, on behalf of BGKT from 10am – 12noon at Kendal Unitarian Chapel.
Upasaka Sunanda Anita read The Metta Sutta [The Discourse on Loving Kindness] on behalf of BGKT at the SLIF South Lakeland Interfaith Forum Healing Together session from 2 – 3 pm at Kendal Unitarian Chapel.
BGKT assisted with the multifaith Quiet Room for meditation/prayer/reflection from 10am – 4pm at Kendal Unitarian Chapel.
BGKT Secretary Jacquetta Gomes is a member of the Organising Committee.
Festival Legacy: Films and Pictures includes BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada). Click on Kendal to view
June 2022
BGKT was represented by Upasaka Sumedha John Gerrard, Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili Jacquetta Gomes and Titus Gomes at Kendal Unitarian Chapel’s Multi-Faith Garden Reopening by the Lord Lieutenant of Cumbria on 11 June 2022. The Multi-Faith Garden of Remembrance was developed in 1999 at the request of BGKT Chair Titus Gomes for the funeral of his sister on 4 December 1999. Titus Gomes represented Buddhism at the Dedication of the Multi-Faith Garden of Remembrance on 24 September 2000.
June 2022
“Class Notes: Jacquetta Gomes”, Durham Newswire (June 2022) includes Jacquetta Gomes BGKT Secretary, Fire Chaplain and Durham University Alumna.
May 2022
BGKT Secretary Jacquetta Gomes was delighted to be included as “Person of the Week” in The Westmorland Gazette newspaper.
May 2022
The Kendal Town Council Annual General Meeting & Mayor Making Ceremony for Mayor Councillor Guy Tirvengadum was held in Kendal Town Hall on 19 May 2022. Upasika Sunanda Anita and Peter represented BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada).
May 2022
BGKT’s Vesak Celebration took place at Kendal Unitarian Chapel Hall on May 16.
April 2022
“Class Notes: Jacquetta Gomes”, Durham Newswire (April 2022) includes Jacquetta Gomes BGKT Secretary, Fire Chaplain and Durham University Alumna.
April 2022
BGKT Secretary Jacquetta Gomes was delighted to be included in the IFN Inter Faith Network of the UK publication
2019/2021 A REVIEW OF THE WORK OF THE INTER FAITH NETWORK FOR THE UK THROUGH A TIME OF COVID. Kendal is included on pages 34 and 49.
March 2022
Sakyadhita UK Newsletter
2022 17 March “Anicca Impermanence” By Bodhicarini Upasika Jayasili Jacquetta Gomes”, Sakyadhita [International Association of Buddhist Women] UK Newsletter, March News from SUK (17 March 2022).
2022 17 March “BEP Buddhist Embroidery Project”, Sakyadhita [International Association of Buddhist Women] UK Newsletter, March News from SUK (17 March 2022).
Sakyadhita UK Newsletter Archive
March 2022
Mayors Sunday Kendal 13 March 2022. Kendal Civic Celebration for Mayor’s Sunday led by The Worshipful the Town Mayor Councillor Douglas Rathbone on Sunday 13 March 2022, included an invitation from the Mayor to faith groups in Kendal.
Brian represented BGKT Buddhist Group of Kendal (Theravada). He walked in the Civic Procession from the Town Hall to The Parish Church of the Holy Trinity for the Civic Service. Refreshments were served in the Mayors Parlour in Kendal Town Hall afterwards.
February 2022
WIHW World Interfaith Harmony Week 1 – 7 February 2022
BGKT participated in WIHW World Interfaith Harmony Week events in Kendal. These are included on the WIHW website.
Report: https://worldinterfaithharmonyweek.com/view-reports/?report=64496
January 2022
BGKT Secretary and Fire Chaplain Jacquetta Gomes was a panel speaker on Unity Radio FM 93.5 (based in Birmingham) on 31 January 2022 at 4pm. The programme Community Chaplaincy – Faith in the Workplace was part of the Connecting Communities Programme.
January 2022
BGKT Secretary Jacquetta Gomes was included in
2022 4 January Hersch Wilson, “Buddhist Engagement with Emergency Services”, Trike Daily.
Tricycle Website
Tricycle Facebook
2022 4 January A 34-year veteran firefighter-EMT shares stories and his perspective on Buddhist engagement with emergency services.
Tricycle Twitter
2022 4 January A 34-year veteran firefighter-EMT tells us why we need more Buddhist fire chaplains:https://twitter.com/tricyclemag/status/1478456344420270085?cxt=HHwWioC-kcmNxIQpAAAA